Fire Rabbits

On the Sixth Book of the Fiery Warrior there reads the last words of Faust,
heroic and stoic till the end, prince of all Kingdoms of fire, breed by fire
and cast in oblivion onto the fire itself:

“We have been raised from fire, and with fire we rise,
we may seem small, but we are indeed strong,
and our hordes shall see a new world built by us, for us
for we are conquerors, and no wall can stop us,
our fiery temper shall lead our way, our warm spirits
shall lead us to victory. We are not simple mammals,
we are not just carrot eaters, we are not just cute buns
We are Fire Rabbits, and we do not know defeat”


Our members are:

Andrea Camila Castro Martínez
Claudia Amaro Cervantes
Daniela Alejandra García Morales
Ehecatl Orrante Sandoval
María Fernanda Martínez Martínez

Conejo de fuego

“Long live our fiery hearts”